There’s a pretty young lady, from Denmark,
Red-headed, then ash-blonde and then dark.
A fortunate few
Know her natural hue,
And they give her a nine-out-of-ten mark.
Tag: pubic hair
Waxing lyrical
A young woman these days can’t relax
Unless made-up and styled to the max,
And if by good luck
She hooks up for a fuck,
God forbid she’s forgotten to wax!
Girls wax not only legs, but their arms,
And bikini-lines, eyebrows and palms,
Anywhere, everywhere
That a hint of a hair
Might detract from their natural charms.
Perhaps hairless they feel more pure,
Not being a girl, Im not sure…
Or, smooth as a baby,
They might think that maybe
They somehow have greater allure.
Do they plan to go on till they’re grannies,
With waxing their nooks and their crannies?
Men don’t frown a bit,
When it comes down to it,
Upon girls with nice soft hairy fannies.
There’s a girl with a bush that’s so lush,
That the sight brings a reverent hush,
Which she plaits in a braid
Or a bun, when she’s laid,
After which it takes hours to brush!
Her winter coat
There’s a lovely young girl called Jacinta,
Whose fanny-fur’s thicker in winter.
In summer she sheds
In her gentlemen’s beds,
But she’s always a joy to slip inta!
She undressed. He adjusted his monocle…
Titties so pert they were conical!
Not much down there,
Just a few wisps of hair…
Little slut! It was sort of ironical.
Grey matter
These days young chaps must needs be way warier…
Those parts… what… shall we say hairier
Might be no-go.
If she doesn’t say no…
Then of course it’s a rather grey area!
The downside
She said yes, got undressed in a rush,
Such a thatch! Long and blonde, soft and lush!
Splendid boobs, big and billowy
Warm, soft and pillowy…
Shame she had crab lice and thrush.
She created a bit of a scene
About whether the bedsheets were clean;
“I’m not getting in there
Look! There’s somebody’s hair!”
(And the cum stains she still hadn’t seen.)
Moulting pussy
Something’s wrong with her cunt. Is she moulting?
A few straggly hairs… it’s revolting!
The rest of her’s good;
He could fuck her. He should,
But, in fact, he just feels like bolting!
Mother-daughter talk
She’d developed a lovely blonde thatch,
And nice cupcake-sized titties to match;
Then one day she said “Mummy,
I think cum’s quite yummy,
And fucking’s the best! What’s the catch?”