Full of booze, maybe some kind of drugs…
She has truly exceptional jugs…
Which are out on display…
“Gonna fuck you,” I say…
And she bends down and spreads ’em and shrugs.
Tag: drugs
Drunk and stoned, she fell into a swoon,
And he thought, well now, that’s opportune,
As he hitched up her dress…
Yep, I’ll fuck her, I guess…
Hard and fast, like. She might wake up soon
Her personal Hell
In a hot, foetid corner of Hell,
She crouched, thinking “What’s worst? The damn smell?
Being buggered and raped,
By things monstrously shaped?
Or no drugs and no booze? Hard to tell.”
A done deal
Fifty bucks for a fuck, cold, hard cash…
Pretty good, she thought, toking on hash…
“Yeah,” she said to the john,
Stripping off. “Fuck! You’re on!
Just a sec, while I pull out me stash!”
Wearin nothin but panties n uggs,
A bit spaced out on liquor n drugs,
This guy’s squeezin her tits
n her pussy, n spits…
“Gonna fuck ya!” She just kinda shrugs.
Truth hurts
She did drugs, she turned tricks… lots to hide…
She’d gone into it all open-eyed.
When asked what do you do?
It depended on who,
But most times she just plain flat out lied.
Something to get her teeth into
Sex and drugs, she thought; God, what a bore!
She just didn’t get off any more.
Bondage? Fun for a while.
Other girls? Not her style.
Maybe vampires. Blood-sucking! Gore!
The erotic
The erotic may vary from verbal
To drugs, aphrodisiacs (herbal,
Rhinoceros horn),
Certain, more refined porn,
And to creatures (the snake and the gerbil.)
Wild woman
She behaved in a manner that bordered
On decadent, wicked, disordered;
Booze, drugs, orgies too,
With complete strangers, who
When not rooting her, laughed and applauded!
No regrets
She regretted not one thing she’d done;
It was thrilling, outrageous and fun!
Crazy sex, drugs and booze…
One should never refuse!
One was only young once, wasn’t one?