Modern girls can control their fertility,
Handy, to have that ability!
Now women screw
‘Cause it’s pleasant to do,
And they work on technique and agility.
Category: PG
Parental guidance recommended
She flounced
As he watched her get angry and flounce,
And her big bosom jiggle and bounce,
Flushed and howling with rage.
Like a bear in a cage,
He got hard and got ready to pounce!
Kept woman
Schooled in love, and a pupil adept,
She could choose when and with whom she slept,
Whom to have on the side,
(To be later denied),
And by whom she might like to be kept.
Age of consent
As she neared the age of consent;
Woman’s breasts, woman’s hips, woman’s scent,
Men and boys watched her pass,
Bouncing tits, swaying arse,
As they loitered close by, with intent.
Cool at school
These days sex starts before you leave school,
About fifteen or so, as a rule:
If you’re asked for a screw,
And your girlfriends all do,
To say no would be lame, and not cool.
When skiing I always take classes,
To watch through my polaroid glasses
My skiing instructor’s
Firm tits and adductors
And fellow (girl) students’ nice arses.
Miss Edwards
For obliging Miss Millicent Edwards
No’s one of life’s little-said words:
A wink or a glance
And she’ll have off your pants
And be rapidly steering you bedwards.
Frilly knickers
A lascivious lady called Lilly
Wears knickers outrageous and frilly,
But only wears these
When it’s cold and the breeze
Swirling under her skirt is too chilly.
An insomniac woman called Ann
Is unable to sleep with no man.
Since she makes it worthwhile
To be listed on file
I myself help whenever I can.
Though she’d secretly longingly lusted,
Confused, she grew hopelessly flustered:
The poor blushing bride
It seemed couldn’t decide
To be glad or appalled and disgusted.