Though cashed up, he was vulgar and sleazy,
Fat, ugly, bad smelling and greasy.
He paid good, up front,
For a piece of her cunt,
But not he, nor the dollars came easy.
Tag: sleazy
More sinned against than sinning
Sleazy bastard, disgusting and beastly!
To squeeze her tits! Bloody unpriestly!
Just touching his prick
Made her feel quite sick,
And the tasteĀ of his semen, not leastly!
Career move
Fuck the bastard or not, which to choose?
She’d be sacked, of course, should she refuse.
As he ogled her smugly,
Fat, sleazy and ugly…
“It’s just sex,” she thought, “what’s to lose?”
Stirred, not shaken
Though the size of it made her uneasy,
And though she felt sluttish and sleazy,
She’d rather have died
Than not have it inside,
Though the stirring-about made her queasy.