She stopped fucking, looked sort of perplexed,
And said “What do you mean? Oversexed?
‘Cause I think fucking’s fun?
Well move over. You’re done.
And your cock’s bloody small, ain’t it? Next!
Tag: gangbang
When they grabbed her, she let out a screech.
“God! Those tits!” said one. “Ain’t she a peach?”
“Fuck! You gave me a fright!
There’s, like, three of yers, right?”
She laughed. “That’s a hole each!”
The term gangbang she thought quite offensive,
Though, frankly, she was apprehensive…
She wasn’t a slut,
Just adventurous, but…
The men’s use of her would be extensive!
Another Saturday night
God! I must be a bit of a whore!
She thought. Nuthin’ to see but the floor…
Hangin’ over a chair,
Naked, arse in the air,
And a line-up of blokes out the door!
Time out
She said “Steady up, fellas! like… gosh!
All those cocks… it’s a bit of a squash!
I can’t swallow much more…
And my arseholes damn sore…
And my poor little pussy’s awash!
The unspeakable
Though at first she’d been rather appalled,
Though she felt like she’d been bloody mauled,
Still, she’d do it again…
Maybe just fewer men…
Tag team… gangbang… whatever it’s called.
Screen test
So damn horny, her thinking disordered,
Although the whole thing was quite sordid,
She just didn’t care
Who put what, when or where,
Even if it was being recorded!
She’d said yes, and though not one to welch,
Still, her pussy was starting to squelch!
With each stroke of the cock
Of each bloke came the shock
Of a croak from her cunt, like a belch!
Ground hog lay
Web-based porn’s great! That can’t be refuted.
Point, click, and the gangbang’s rebooted;
The girl’s on her knees,
Looking sweet as you please,
Then click PLAY, and she’s being re-rooted!
One more cock? she thought, pussy awash.
She’d make room, though a bit of a squash!
They could take turns behind,
If the rest didn’t mind
All the squelching and dribbling and slosh!