Said Camus “Fucking’s all existential.
The act, in itself, the essential!”
“And love?” she insists,
“When one’s loved one exists!
As for fucking, it’s just providential!”
Tag: fucking
The old maid
As she knits, the old maid reminisces;
Those daring chaps! Lingering kisses!
Her shimmering dresses …
But, blushing, confesses…
It’s mostly the fucking she misses!
Tough as
Though he’d licked her and fingered her first,
“It’s like fucking boot-leather!” he cursed.
She sobbed “Don’t stop, my love!”
With one more mighty shove
And a loud cry, her maidenhead burst!
Friends without benefits
She’d not come, but she’d seemed to be close.
Later, though, she was strangely morose.
“Can we just be good friends?”
She said. “That, or it ends.
I just find fucking totally gross!”
We get drunk. My mate’s girlfriend is there.
They start fucking. I say “That’s not fair!
I’ve got no one to screw!”
He says “You fuck her too…
She’s got plenty of holes. We can share!”
“Have a drink! Don’t be nervous, relax!
It’s OK, you can perv to the max!
That’s what titties are for! …
Fucking’s two hundred more,
Plus, of course, goods and services tax.”
The honey pot
Said his father, “A word of advice;
Tits and pussies and bums may entice,
Which is all very well,
But the thing, truth to tell,
Is a chap’s fucking comes at a price!”
Sexual logistics
The most timid girl comes to know lust.
Lust implies penetration, so must
Suggest fucking some way,
Straight, or weird, or gay;
Cunts, thank god, though, are pretty robust!
Three little words
Although saying “I love you” seems trite,
It should cause no offence, and just might,
With a little good luck,
Perhaps lead to a fuck,
And, if true, make the fucking alright!
Turning a buck
She depended on fucking financially,
Not by choice, just circumstantially,
Knowing the dangers…
The kindness of strangers,
Though, paid for her lifestyle substantially.