She thought sex, overall, over-rated;
A fuck and love never equated.
Her first was the worst…
Deep inside her she nursed
Her misgivings, and just masturbated.
Tag: fuck
At her majesty's pleasure
Big black dildo or pink? Which to choose?
She had only herself to amuse.
The blue vibrating one?
Or all three might be fun.
Fuck ’em all! What’s a girl got to lose?
Silken ropes
As the buckles and silken ropes tightened,
She shivered, excited and frightened;
The fuck, in itself,
Was just straight off the shelf,
But her high, when she came (twice) was heightened!
In his dreams
He thought “This is as good as it gets!”
He’d suggested a root; she’d said “Let’s!”
But the girl of his dreams
Was unfaithful, it seems,
And a fuck was just hedging her bets.
Women's lib
“That’s the deal,” she said, “Let’s not quibble;
(She offered her nipple to nibble),
We fuck, me on top,
I decide when we stop;
Yes or no? My cunt’s starting to dribble!”
Strike one
She grumped “All you ridiculous men, you
Think women are just a sports venue,
For sex when you like:
Well, I’m going on strike!
Fucks and blow jobs are now off the menu!”
Gritting her teeth
It was just one more bridge to be crossed;
Sleepless, all night she’d turned and she’d tossed.
She’d consent, when he woke ,
To a fuck with this bloke,
Once he’d brushed his teeth, gargled and flossed!
Not with a bang
It came not with a bang, but a whimper;
His world’s end: his penis grew limper
And limper. “Bad luck,”
She said “Now we can’t fuck.”
She did add, though, she’d still let him pimp her.
School rules
She’d stepped onto a slippery slope,
By allowing her boyfriend a grope:
Though she made it a rule,
Not to fuck after school,
That still gave the lad plenty of scope.
Disorderly conduct
He was charged with disorderly conduct,
When he and a young buxom blonde mucked
About in the bar,
Where she took off her bra,
Then they kissed, and a bit later on, fucked.