He loved watching her shake and perspire;
The posture was making her tire.
With each stroke, he swore,
He drove in a bit more;
With each thrust, he was taking her higher!
User pays
Any way that men twisted and bent her,
To get at the hole in her centre,
Was okay, she said,
Just as long as they read
Her tattoo, which said “Pay as you enter”.
What's not to like
“Did you like that?” she said, with a grin,
Gobs of semen still dripped from her chin.
Well, of course, he said yes,
As she slipped off her dress,
Out of which she was, more so than in.
Both sides of the story
A man lies, makes false promises, flatters;
To men, nothing but the fuck matters.
They brag to their mates,
While, at home, the girl waits,
Hymen, clothes, reputation in tatters.
In the twenties, girls’ bosoms were flatter,
Though size, as such, didn’t much matter;
They fluttered their lashes,,
Wore pearls, bows and sashes,
Were tied to men’s beds by the latter.
Her loose blouse, sheer, silken or crepe,
She’d left carelessly buttoned, agape.
Through the fabric light danced,
Light and shadow enhanced…
Her breasts’ movement, their texture and shape.
Observing the niceties
Said the butler with suitable deference,
“Madam, you’ll pardon the reference.
Still, I must say
That that dress does display
Your tits well, as a matter of preference!”
Coming clean
Her cunt frothing with soap or shampoo,
Fingers flying, she comes! I am too!
Did she know I could see?
Did it it have to be me?
Did she not even give a damn who?
Steep learning curve
She’d been screwed everywhere that was hollow,
Gagged, giggled, and made herself swallow;
She felt like a slut,
Which she rather liked, but
She did wonder what else was to follow!
Degree of difficulty
Though I’m certain he’s not disappointed,
As one of the lay, unanointed,
It does seem to me,
That to do that thing, she
Must, most certainly, be double-jointed!