The flirtatious young ladies of Italy
Wear make-up to bed and dress prettily.
In the piazza
The lowliest tarts are
Dressed smartly and sell themselves wittily!
Category: G
For general consumption
The timid maiden
Although pretty, the wench was so timid,
Despite the hot passion that simmered,
That welled in her breast…
She said naught to him, lest
She destroy any faint hope that glimmered.
The enchanted prince
She was proving quite hard to convince,
Thought the frog (an enchanted young prince).
If she’d kiss him, she’d know,
But she wouldn’t, although
He’d dropped all sorts of obvious hints!
A great artist, and rich, was old Pablo,
But also a rogue, el diablo!
Unfaithful as hell,
There’s so much one could tell,
Pero, espaƱol yo no hablo!
Jekyll and Hyde
Doctor Jekyll’s wool suit was bespoke,
Educated, refined, when he spoke,
But his mad, darker side,
Ugly, violent Hyde
Was a rather less likeable bloke!
Tacit approval
Did he ask? Did she ever say yes?
One thing led to another, I guess.
Did she give her consent?
In the final event,
It was sort of assumed, more or less.
When a boy’s blood testosterone surges,
A more brutish creature emerges;
Uncouth, hard to love,
Prone to bully and shove,
Prey to desperate sexual urges.
The put-down
Her voice icy, brow knit in a frown,
She said “Sir, you will please put me down!
You are most impolite…
In addition, you might
Get your hand out from under my gown!”
Castles in the air
A rich Texan, who bought Windsor Castle,
Then, not without quite a big hassle,
Transported his palace,
Rebuilt it in Dallas,
And hired a maid and a vassal.
On the surface of things, it might seem
Her behaviour was rather extreme;
Somewhat more than informal,
In fact quite abnormal,
On web-cam too, beaming live-stream!