She asked, cheekily, feeling good-humoured,
If, down there, he was, as was rumoured,
As big as a horse!
He replied, “Well, of course!
Even bigger, perhaps, when one’s tumid!”
Month: April 2013
The timid maiden
Although pretty, the wench was so timid,
Despite the hot passion that simmered,
That welled in her breast…
She said naught to him, lest
She destroy any faint hope that glimmered.
The enchanted prince
She was proving quite hard to convince,
Thought the frog (an enchanted young prince).
If she’d kiss him, she’d know,
But she wouldn’t, although
He’d dropped all sorts of obvious hints!
She’d confessed her sins. Meekly she knelt,
To accept whate’er penance was dealt,
On the cold altar stairs,
For the priest’s mournful prayers,
Or the kiss of the cane, or his belt.
Square peg, round hole
There he was, within sight of his goal!
She denied him still! Must he cajole?
Must he weep? Must he beg,
To insert his square peg
In her ever-so-tempting round hole?
Wild woman
She behaved in a manner that bordered
On decadent, wicked, disordered;
Booze, drugs, orgies too,
With complete strangers, who
When not rooting her, laughed and applauded!
It had been hard, good fun, a clean fight,
But now, naked, she gave the green light.
Was it totally fair?
In the end, did he care,
When they fucked, if it hadn’t been, quite?
Believe it or not
She lay gasping, her legs all aquiver;
She gave an involuntary shiver;
An inch or two more!
Disbelieving, she swore
She could feel it right up to her liver!
The smell of money
“Don’t you like what I’m trying to sell you?”
She asked. “At that price, it’s good value!”
She took him upstairs,
And paraded her wares;
He paid, too, but said, “Just let me smell you.”
He drawled “Mate! Though a bloke shouldn’t gloat,
She does ev’rything! Even deep throat!
Tits! God! Wait till you see!
And she reckons she’ll be
Old enough, come next August, to vote!”