Husky-voiced, dusky-skinned, musky-scented;
Big-bosomed, all girl, not augmented;
And hymen intact!
(Well, in actual fact,
Though not broken, extensively dented.)
Tag: virginity
Debut performance
Well-developed, though still under-aged,
Marriage mooted and well nigh engaged,
Now all gone down the gurgler,
Knocked off by some burglar,
Fiancé completely upstaged!
Deja vu
She was much less naive than expected;
She’d rooted around, he suspected.
In fact, so she swore,
He’d once fucked her before,
Not that he himself, though, recollected!
Bargaining power
“Listen up,” she said. “Here’s the thing.
If you want a root, buy me a ring.
There’ll be no more tomfoolery,
Not without joolery!
Got that? Or bloody go sing!”
Cherry picking
Her first time. Nothing big, in the end.
No one special, some guy, just a friend;
“It’s not love, I’m afraid.
I just want to get laid,”
She said. “Kiss and stuff, though… like… Pretend!”
A coalescence of events
The poor girl, she’d tried hard not to yield.
Her fate, though, was pretty much sealed
The moment they kissed,
Then she couldn’t resist,
As the cum on her panties revealed!
Unholy virgin
To die virgin! Was that then her doom,
All unloved and untouched, barren womb?
Well, if so, then life sucked!
No, she’d get herself fucked,
Not concerned, well, not very, by whom!
In the heat of the night the girl slumbered,
Moonlit, skin aglow, unencumbered,
Deliciously wet,
Unaware still, as yet,
That her days as a virgin were numbered.
Rite of passage
Cherry popped, she felt changed, somehow girlier,
Tits firmer, pubic hair curlier,
Flirty, not shy,
Mildly wondering why
She’d not got herself rooted much earlier!
Hard done by
Being screwed wasn’t too bad, except
He was only half-hard! Jesus wept!
She’d not miss, not as such,
Her virginity much,
More her panties and bra, which he kept!