His five minutes of fame! Damn notorious!
How was it? God! Fucking glorious!
Banging that stripper…
Those tits! What a ripper!
Blind drunk, of course. Fucking uproarious!
Tag: tits
As behoves a gentleman
Could one get it up? One never knew!
Would it be hard enough, and on cue?
But his treacherous cock
Did get hard as a rock
When her splendid tits hove into view!
Not cool
Though the best-looking guy at her school,
While she’s butt-naked, feeling a fool,
Tits and bits on display,
To her growing dismay,
He’s still goggle-eyed, tugging his tool!
Victim impact statement
Quite disgraceful, the way that he acted!
One understands how she reacted.
To whip out his ♠♥♠♦ !
Well, imagine her shock!
And to squeeze her ♠♣♠♣ ! (Rude words redacted.)
In praise of older women
She drank more, her tits sagged, she got beamier;
Sex with her, though, just got steamier!
Dissolute, true,
But by God, she could screw!
Still, her life, plagued by scandal, grew seamier.
Poor cow
“All this shit from one stupid damn screw!
Baby vomit and piss, baby poo!
My nice tits turned to udders!”
She whimpers and shudders.
Oh fuck! Fucking hell! Fucking moo!”
Je ne sais quoi
Although women are mostly homogenous,
Some, in whom something endogenous
Helps them surpass
Plain old tits, pussy, arse,
Are just all-over bloody erogenous!
Teacher’s pet (he wishes!)
“You should see our new teacher!” says I.
“Got an arse what could make a man cry!
When she bends down or sits!
And them bloody great tits!
If she turned round, she’d knock out your eye!”
Waste not, want not
The poor girl! Passed out, pissed as a newt!
Panties showing. Those tits! She’s damn cute.
She’s so cheeky and flirty,
She wouldn’t get shirty,
He hoped, if he slipped her a root.
Body armour
Though he’d thought that he’d had it all sorted,
Her tits were so trussed up, supported
By wires and straps,
Hooks and buckles and snaps
That all hope of a grope was soon thwarted!