The mess

“Though I do quite like fucking, I guess,”
She said, frowning. ” I don’t like the mess…
Dribbling pussy and bum…
All the juices and cum,
Making stains on my stockings and dress!”


There’s a miniscule worm, called the sperm,
Which, by virtue of wriggle and squirm,
After penile emission,
May come to fruition,
As someone of whom it’s the germ.


There are some girls it’s just hard to jilt,
And it’s not just because they’re well built!
There are pangs of remorse
For their bodies of course,
But it’s worse if you’ve stained their best quilt!

Trickle down effect

Semen soaking her panties like glue, 
Trickling down her leg into her shoe…
She could smell it… could others?
Kids? Other girls’ mothers…
Yeah, maybe, but would they know who?