Handsome rogue, with his bloody Mercedes,
His charm and his way with the ladies,
His ludicrous mirth!
Root whomever on Earth,
He’d be buggered, not least, down in Hades!
Tag: root
Her good deed for the day
She’d said yes, although not much inclined,
Frankly, sort of, well, just to be kind.
Not the best root she’d had,
But it wasn’t that bad,
Just a root, and she didn’t much mind.
Showing her cards
Despite his mates’ ragging and scoffing,
He judged, by the wine she was quaffing,
(A bottle so far),
And not wearing a bra,
There was likely a root in the offing.
Calling her bluff
She’ll just grit her teeth, grin, and be strong.
Well, how long can a root take? Too long!
Though she led him on, yeah,
Still, it doesn’t seem fair!
How could things go so horribly wrong?
Slightly drunk. half-undressed, she reclined.
He suggested a root. She declined,
Not from meanness or spite,
But then said “Oh, alright”,
Out of boredom, or just to be kind.
A bit Irish
“Put yer panties back on, ya big sook!
Ain’t no harm in just havin’ a look!”
He said. “I showed ya mine!
Ya don’t want a root? Fine!
Fook off then! I don’t give a damn fook!”
Doing her duty
Dashing, handsome, his blue eyes hypnotic,
The uniform strangely erotic.
“Alright, you big brute,
Yes, I’ll give you a root.
Well, to not would seem unpatriotic!”
Sang froid
Quite renowned for her icy reserve,
She said “God, man! You’ve got some damn nerve!
And trespassing to boot!
Still, I’ll give you a root,
Though it’s more than you bloody deserve!
Fucking other girls wasn’t the same.
A plain root, somehow, now seemed so tame!
Whips and chains, nasty toys…
Other girls, other boys …
She did things that perhaps had no name!
First date
Her first date! Her mum whispered “Now, Bessie,
He seems nice. His outfit’s quite dressy,
But, suit or no suit,
He’ll be wanting a root,
Which, you’ll find, will be terribly messy!”