Fifty bucks for a fuck. Damn good value!
Not young, but still hot, let me tell you!
She said “Ten bucks more
Gets you in my back door!
Not, of course, that I’d try to upsell you.”
Tag: prostitution
Not the best root he’s had, but a tryer;
No pro, just for casual hire.
Nice body, great boobs,
Bouncy arse and shaved pubes…
Pretty much all a man could desire!
Penny dreadful
In a laneway, behind the school fence,
In a dunny, the Ladies or Gents,
She’d go down on a bloke,
Even give him a poke,
And all just for a handful of pence!
Bottom line
A nice dinner, a pretty good wine;
When he asked for a fuck, she said “Fine,
Just the usual way?
For a bondage scene, say,
I’d expect an enhanced bottom line.”
All cats are grey in the dark
He just wanted some pussy, some bint,
But was hard up. In fact he was skint,
So he’d have to make do,
If he wanted a screw,
With the whore with the hare-lip and squint.
Soft selling
Soft in all the right places, sweet-smelling;
She winked, and he felt his cock swelling!
No harm, then, in trying,
Let on he was buying,
Depending on if she was selling!
Her cards on the table
She explained that she’d not be averse
To some anal, or bondage, or worse;
Pain and suffering too,
Nothing she wouldn’t do!
(Which her fees would, of course, reimburse.)
The oldest profession
She got by, scraped along, rather meagrely,
Selling her favours illegally,
Down on her luck;
A quick, lucrative fuck
Opportunity sought after eagerly!
Beads and trinkets
For a necklace, some such gaudy trinket,
She might … but no! Don’t even think it!
To suck’s bad enough,
But to swallow the stuff!
In a wine glass… would anyone drink it?
Maybe some other time
He might be, as the girl said, a wimp,
But the sight of her sinister pimp,
Though he’d fancied a root,
(God! The size of the brute!)
Left him shaking all over and limp.