I think marriage a fine institution,
And often the only solution.
For girls, what remains
If they lack looks or brains,
Is the convent, or else prostitution!
Tag: marriage
Over years she’d come to accept
That her husband was fucking inept…
Well a woman has needs,
Which a proper man heeds…
To be well fucked and suitably kept.
For better or worse
How on earth was she somehow betrothed
To this man, whom she heartily loathed!
Bad as that, though, may be,
How much worse still to see
His smug smirk and his body unclothed!
Wedded bliss
When she’d fucked, once, she’d pleaded for more..
But now, married, it’s kind of a bore…
Wham, bam, always the same,
It just seems such a shame…
Better, frankly, to be a damn whore!
His best man’s pretty hot, thought the bride…
Should she fuck him? Quick, bloody decide!
Would tonight be too soon…
(It’s still pre-honeymoon…)
To be having a bit on the side?
Reality sets in
When she married him, only nineteen,
It was blissful, you know what I mean?
Parties, laughs, sex all night…
Now it’s cook, clean, fuck, fight…
And the bills… and the baby to wean.
Goods and chattels
Wife and mother, a damn uphill battle!
She’s treated like goods or a chattel!
Fucked, beaten and cursed,
Or ignored, which was worst…
She’d much rather be one of his cattle!
Moving on
She moved on from affair to affair…
It would seem that she hadn’t a care!
Broken heart? Marriage wrecked?
One was led to suspect,
If at all she was barely aware!
Saturday night special
Scowling, negligee tattered and filmy,
She said “Though the thought doesn’t thrill me,
It’s Saturday night,
And it’s not worth the fight,
And I guess a damn fuck wouldn’t kill me.”
He said “Darling, I need to ‘fess up…
So you know… so I can’t, like, mess up…
Since we’re married now, so…
Well.. I think you should know…
I like panties and bras… and dress up!”