She’d been having a sneaky affair,
And she’d just had a bit of a scare,
When her husband found out
She’d been fucking about,
Although not with whom, not when or where.
Tag: infidelity
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A good wife… though she strayed now and then…
Rooted many and various men…
She still cleaned, she still cooked,
And took care how she looked…
Fucked her husband too, now and again.
So, his wife screws around… but the crux
Isn’t whom or how many she fucks…
She still fucks him as well,
Loves him best, he can tell,
So he’ll share her then, much as it sucks.
The stable boy
What a wonderful fucking, forsooth!
She thought. God! What a talented youth!
Just a stable boy, yet…
A fuck not to forget!
Bless his cock, be he e’er so uncouth.
His best man’s pretty hot, thought the bride…
Should she fuck him? Quick, bloody decide!
Would tonight be too soon…
(It’s still pre-honeymoon…)
To be having a bit on the side?
Fair’s fair
Quite convinced that her husband had strayed,
in which case, she was rather afraid,
If she told him she knew,
He might leave! What to do…
But maybe go out, get herself laid!
A close thing
She’d been having a bit of a fling…
She’d been almost found out… a close thing!
All the more fun, she thought,
Having been almost caught…
And her husband, poor jerk, on a string!
Splitting hairs
Listen, darling, she said. Though you’re sweet,
Being faithful’s just so obsolete!
Just consider your luck!
You’ve still got me to fuck,
And I’m upfront… it’s not like I cheat!
“I’ve done something a bit indiscreet,”
She said. “Not that it’s like me to cheat…
Though I know that you do…
So I thought that I’d screw
A small group of your buddies, my sweet!”
A single girl
They’re both handsome, and nice guys, she sighed,
Both terrific in bed too,besides,
And both single and rich…
She should choose one… but which?
Marry one and fuck one on the side?