“Enough pissin’ around, woman, feck it!
He shouted. “Don’t lick it and peck it!
My wife does that shit.
Enough fingers and spit…
Open wide, take a big breath and neck it!”
Tag: fellatio
Liquid sequins
A third cousin, or somehow related,
She’d got drunk one night and fellated,
Had come on her dress,
(What an ungodly mess!)
His apology gruff and belated.
Champagne, canapés, all very swanky,
The hostess herself, though, quite skanky!
She sucked off a waiter,
Though, daintily, later,
She spat in a little lace hankie.
Good housekeeping
She’d have done this before, was his guess.
“Hold my drink, I’ll slip out of this dress.
Saves dry-cleaning”, she said,
Then knelt down, gave him head,
Swallowed too, maybe just to save mess.
Mama told her “Child, learn the fandango.”
“Maybe,” she replied. “Where’s the mango?”
“Your mouth,” said her her mum,
“Or your pussy or bum,
Anywhere that he wants to, or can go!”
Re: Capitulation
“Though you marriage may be somewhat dull,”
Said her lawyer, “the grounds to annul,
Sadly do not include
One’s just not being screwed
As one wants. Get it into your skull!
Beads and trinkets
For a necklace, some such gaudy trinket,
She might … but no! Don’t even think it!
To suck’s bad enough,
But to swallow the stuff!
In a wine glass… would anyone drink it?
School days
Schoolgirls, giggling and flirting in hallways.
Their crushes last weeks, not for always.
Not love, the boys know;
They make up for it though,
Giving head and in other such small ways.
Infra dig
Once undressed, though intrigued at first vastly,
She found having sex simply ghastly;
Undignified, base,
The man’s breath in her face,
And the taste of his cock, worst and lastly!
Personal assistant
On her knees, at the bank where she works,
Her tits out, her head bobs, her hand jerks
On the manager’s lap…
Not a bad sort of chap…
It’s just one of his job’s little perks.