Pretty face, a great arse…she’s blind drunk…
And her little short dress must have shrunk…
Showin’ plenty of skin,
One breast out, one breast in,
One more drink, and a fuck’s a slam dunk!
Tag: drunk
A few drinks and she’s talkin’ Swahili
Comes on kinda all touchy-feely…
Ain’t wearin’ no bra…
Legs are open so far
You can see her gash… not quite, but nearly!
Double trouble
She developed a taste for for good gin
Which increased her temptation to sin…
Like one night, seeing double,
She got into trouble
By fucking some guy… and his twin.
Going with the flow
Full of booze, maybe some kind of drugs…
She has truly exceptional jugs…
Which are out on display…
“Gonna fuck you,” I say…
And she bends down and spreads ’em and shrugs.
Drunk and Disorderly
She was drunk and her clothes were disordered.
The boys liked the view this afforded.
She did a lap dance
Till one came in his pants,
Then she stripped while the others applauded.
She did things they thought only a whore did:
One fucked her, then several more did,
Then more that they rang:
It became a gang-bang,
But to say more would only be sordid.
After one glass of whisky or brandy,
Amanda gets terribly randy,
Bestowing affection,
Without circumspection,
On whom-or-whatever is handy!
Errant ways
After two or three glasses of wine,
She said, “Let’s our legs intertwine!
Forgiving’s but mortal,”
She said with a chortle:
“To err though, is simply divine!”
Liquor is quicker
An uncaring seducer called Sandy
Plies women with whisky and brandy:
It’s very reliable,
Makes them more pliable:
Better than flowers and candy!
A bit rum
If you feed Katie one or two rums,
Her extreme sensibility numbs:
Just another few sips,
And a touch of your lips,
Then her tenuous virtue succumbs!
When young ladies drink vodka or whisky,
It makes them feel naughty and frisky:
They shed inhibitions,
Defy prohibitions,
And do things in bad taste and risky.