An unscrupulous bastard called Jerry
Deprived a young girl of her cherry:
While drunk, sleeping soundly
He rooted her roundly…
Unsporting of course, but not very.
She was well bred and bloody knew better…
Quite out of the question… and yet her
Base instincts insisted!
Although she resisted,
Just thinking of sex made her wetter!
An insomniac woman called Ann
Is unable to sleep with no man.
Since she makes it worthwhile
To be listed on file
I myself help whenever I can.
The approach of old age is insidious:
Though one be e’er so fastidious,
Year by year
More wrinkles appear.
One day you wake up old and hideous!
The romantic esteems the ideal,
By nature more perfect than real.
That’s all very well,
But I’d much rather smell,
Taste and chew, fuck and feel!
Though she’d secretly longingly lusted,
Confused, she grew hopelessly flustered:
The poor blushing bride
It seemed couldn’t decide
To be glad or appalled and disgusted.
The moving finger
The sweet pleasure of love is but fleeting;
The making of love self-defeating…
You can make it linger,
By sniffing your finger,
Though this, strictly speaking, is cheating.
Well groomed
Mistress Emily’s prone to abscond
With the groom, of whom Emily’s fond,
And indulge in lewd sport,
At which, if she were caught,
All would call her redemption beyond.
Clark Gable
That old debonair bastard, Clark Gable,
Without pause or tiring, was able
To fuck first young starlets,
Then stray girls and harlots:
A stud indeed! More like a stable!
Anais Nin
The insatiable Anais Nin
Had a great predilection to sin:
To quote Henry Miller,
(Who didn’t fulfill her),
Anais was nice to be in.
Though Anais would climax and swoon,
Henry Miller, she wrote, came too soon.
When he ran out of puff,
She’d still not had enough,
So she also seduced his wife, June.
It was such fun to be avant-garde;
Life was one long, risqué masquerade:
Having orgies with friends,
Any means to all ends,
Reading books by the Marquis de Sade.
Since she frankly described in her journal
Her sexual exploits nocturnal,
We know about Nin…
From her smooth, silky skin
To her slippery organs internal.
In Anais’s book, “Little Birds”,
Which is littered with four-letter words,
She wrote of erotica,
Sex and exotica,
Pretty much roughly in thirds.
Madame Nin’s work was not pornographic;
It dealt, though, with sex, straight and sapphic:
In “Delta of Venus”,
The cunt and the penis
Commingle in sociable traffic.
Back in Paris, between the World Wars,
Behind veils, or curtains of gauze,
Naked, prone or supine,
Blurred and thin was the line
Between rich, refined ladies and whores.