Though one wouldn’t imagine that butter
Would melt in her mouth, still the utter
Damn cheek of the chap!
Though she gave him a slap,
Being touched up did set her aflutter!
Category: PG
Parental guidance recommended
Captain Armstrong was terribly dashing,
His uniform looked simply smashing,
Thought Claire, at the dance,
As she hoped that his glance
Had caught sight of the tit she was flashing!
The poor girl, the next morn, to awaken,
Bruised, sullied, and sadly forsaken!
She’d done it for love,
But, gosh! Heavens above!
It would seem she was rather mistaken!
Rum trifle
The bold hussy, not one who would stifle
The impulse, she gave him an eyeful!
The cut of her blouse,
Of course, meant to arouse
Any chap she chose, with whom to trifle!.
Harrowing farrowing
The benefit of hindsight
Though at first she’d been highly offended,
Outraged, by the time that it ended,
Her ravishment done,
All too soon once begun,
She’d decided she thought it quite splendid!
Reasonable doubt
She was sexy as hell, though not clever.
She’d never had sex! Never! Ever!
He said “Well, you should!
Sex is awful damn good!”
And she answered “Yeah. No. Yeah. Whatever!
Sneak preview
“Ooh la la! Mad’moiselle, c’est tres chic!”
Said the salon guy, slimy damn sneak!
“Please, try this one as well!”
But, of course, she could tell
He just wanted another damn peek!
Bondage for beginners
Fluffy-handcuffed, blindfolded, she begs
“Oh my goodness! No!No! Not the pegs!
And spanked too, I suppose?
Yes, but not where it shows!
On my bottom please, not on my legs!
Quality, not quantity
In the rating of bosoms, what counts
Is not measurements, inch pound and ounce;
It’s their swell and their shape,
Overflow and escape,
Squeezability, softness and bounce!