A young jewess once tried to inveigle
Dull Georg Wilhelm Friedrich damn Hegel,
(Wink. Come on upstairs!)
Into sampling her wares;
Come on Georg, have a bit of my bagel!
Category: PG
Parental guidance recommended
Pass the ketchup
Sex is sex, nothing very profound,
And assuming the low moral ground,
Love or not, it’s what’s real,
Like sharing a meal;
With luck, there’s enough to go round!
Negotiable terms
Said the landlord, “Miss, do bear in mind…
If, perchance, you were that way inclined…
Don’t mistake my intent…
You’re behind in your rent,
And I’d gladly take payment in kind.”
Body and soul
Making love, she gave body and, soul,
Head and heart, her all, gave herself whole,
Until slowly she learned,
When it isn’t returned,
Love or making love, both take a toll.
Can’t buy me love
Though he plied her with sweetmeats and liquors,
Bought presents, (he left on the stickers),
A major campaign,
Caviar and champagne,
He still neverĀ got into her knickers!
Sheep gone astray
How on earth to religious girls cope?
Kiss a boy and allow him a grope,
Like as not giving in
To lust, ecstasy, sin,
Trying hard not to think of the Pope.
Manners make the man
She was neither stuck up, nor a prude,
But the fellow was vulgar and crude!
Had he been more polite,
Then perhaps she just might …
No! she thought. I’m just not in the mood!
It’s all in the mind
Harems’ eunuchs, though widely reputed
To be fat and sexless, once neutered,
Still longed for the touch
Of a woman and such,
Though, of course, only wishful and muted.
The flesh is weak
Just an idler, a sponger, a layabout,
Someone with whom, though, to play about,
Do anything,
Just a holiday fling,
To have something to go home and pray about!
Cherry picking
Her first time. Nothing big, in the end.
No one special, some guy, just a friend;
“It’s not love, I’m afraid.
I just want to get laid,”
She said. “Kiss and stuff, though… like… Pretend!”