” I like sex. It’s a question of who,”
She explained. “If the answer is you,
I quite like what I see,
So, if you fancy me,
Since you ask, I don’t mind if I do!”
Author: pete
Fine print
Her consent had been hotly disputed;
His claim that she had, she refuted;
“Did too!”
“Yeah, but not where I poo!”
Which, of course, though, was where she’d been rooted!
The charlatan
The sly preacher proclaimed she’d be cured
By faith, and his seminal fluid.
They prayed, she undressed;
She was orally blessed,
And her cunt sacramentally skewered!
Victim impact statement
Though she possibly over-reacted,
“BLEEP! BLEEP! BLEEP!” (Expletives redacted),
She shouted, in shock,
At the size of his cock,
And on which of her holes it impacted!
Body contact sport
Naked, slippery, nothing to grip,
Crazy fucking, afraid she might slip,
Which she kept on despite,
Though afraid that she might
Split her pussy, or sprain a damn hip!
She woke up the next morning and moaned,
“Oh my God” she thought. “Boy, was I stoned!”
Things got out of control…
She’d yelled “Hey man! Wrong hole!”
But by then, she’d already been boned.
Cherry blossom time
She was sixteen, no longer a kid,
Cherry something of which to be rid.
That cute guy at the gym,
She could lose it with him…
Could…might…would… in fact, did!
Opportunity knocking
He got hard when they kissed. Not surprising;
Impressively so, no disguising!
She thought “My, oh my!
Well, I’ve found my new guy…
A good sort, and I’m also upsizing!”
Not that kind of girl
Not the kind of girl guys would give rings to,
Not someone a nice fellow brings to
His house. “Meet the folks!”
No, she drinks and she smokes…
More the kind just to do filthy things to!
The swine!
Tall and handsome! The way that he walked,
Things he said, just the way that he talked…
Said he loved her and that…
Well, she did smell a rat…
But by then she’d already been porked!