
Sex was great! Sex was fun! So she’d heard…
But she found the whole thing quite absurd.
All the squelching, the grunts…
Having done it, then, once,
She’d not bother again, mark her word!


It had been just a mild, drunken frolic…
She’s not a complete alcoholic!
A bit of a fling,
Just a fuck, no big thing,
With her bestie… like… kinda symbolic!


About seven foot, covered with hair,
The man looked, smelled and fucked like a bear!
Half grossed out, half enthralled,
She felt like she’d been mauled…
Didn’t kill her, but gave her a scare!

Can’t buy me love

The poor fool, she thought, stifling a laugh,
Mooning round like a damn lovesick calf!
If it weren’t for his money…
She cooed “Kiss me, honey!”
And winked at his lackeys and staff.