She enjoyed a nice root, now and then,
And again, and again, and again,
But to be someone’s wife?
No, she’d make it through life
With a few, (well, a dozen) good men!
Month: February 2012
Impeccable taste
“Though I know, my girl, how I repel you,
I’ll pay well; just do as I tell you:
No soap or shampoo.
Do not wipe when you poo
And lie still, while I lick you and smell you!”
Wet legs
What was lacking in sexual competence,
God, she made up for in confidence!
Not put off by
A man’s size, which is why
When she laughed, the poor girl had incontinence!
Silken ropes
As the buckles and silken ropes tightened,
She shivered, excited and frightened;
The fuck, in itself,
Was just straight off the shelf,
But her high, when she came (twice) was heightened!
To forgive is divine
Despite his professions of piety,
Often, at night, on the quiet, he
Went out in mufti,
And those whom he stuffed, he
Forgave for their lapse in propriety.
Round figures
Her proportions were quite Rabelaisian,
And put to good use, on occasion,
A banker, perhaps;
Handsome, destitute chaps,
Though, were not in her social equation!
Right of way
In her bed, he’d assumed right of way,
Since he’d thought that she would, or she may,
Like a root, just for fun,
As she might well have done,
But not so, in the cold light of day!
Well-rounded woman
She’d be Nanny, or Nurse, any role
Didn’t care what went where, any hole!
She liked girls, she liked men,
A gang-bang, now and then,
Or played solo, and scored an own-goal!
Well adjusted
She thought sex, at first, vile and disgusting,
But felt she was slowly adjusting.
In fact she now found
That she’d wrap her flaps round
Any cock that she could without busting!
Irrefutable logic
“I’m a great root,” she said. “Indisputably!”
Eyes narrowed, gazing inscrutably
Into his own.
Then, in wearier tone,
“I’m a slut; I was born so, immutably.”