There she stood, at last, nude, not a stitch!
He advanced … then his plans struck a hitch;
His hand cupped her smooth bum …
“Let her go! I’ll tell Mum!”
Yelled her snotty kid brother, the snitch!
Tag: seduction
She gave in, though she knew that she shouldn’t,
Determined, at first, that she wouldn’t.
He’d gently insisted…
She’d bravely resisted
Temptation… but found that she couldn’t!
She seemed unattached, friendly, accessible,
Nice body, age quite unguessable,
Someone of whom,
Once upstairs in his room,
Hidden parts might prove soft and caressable!
Though they’d only just been introduced,
From her smile and her voice, he’d deduced
That a chap could do worse,
And she’d not be adverse
To perhaps being charmed and seduced.
Top shelf
To refuse her might well be offensive,
And yet he remained apprehensive;
Her obvious charms,
Her bare, welcoming arms,
Made him certain she must be expensive.
Both sides of the story
A man lies, makes false promises, flatters;
To men, nothing but the fuck matters.
They brag to their mates,
While, at home, the girl waits,
Hymen, clothes, reputation in tatters.
Like mother, like daughter
Her mum gave her careful instruction,
To teach her the art of seduction;
From facial expression,
Right up to that session
Which dealt with correct use of suction.
It adds up
In seduction, a girl may be dumb,
Yet get by, with this quick rule of thumb:
If a man likes her scent,
He’s a hundred percent
To just love how she twitches her bum!
Half-awake, as she heard her sheets rustle,
She smiled, thinking “What a smooth hustle!
So good, while it lasted,
The smooth-talking bastard!
Next time, he’ll get more of a tussle!”
The girl in the bubble
He was dapper, his hair was smooth-slicked;
She was well-bred, her morals were strict,
But temptation was great,
And I’m sad to relate
That soon more than her conscience was pricked!