Having suitably been wined and dined,
A girl’s placed in a bit of a bind:
She can either say no,
Put her coat on and go,
Or give in and make payment in kind.
Tag: seduction
Since he’d badgered and bothered and harrassed her
Miss Darcy dined out with her barrister,
But her moral beliefs
Meant the sight of his briefs
Didn’t rouse her, but rather embarrassed her.
He was big and a handsome dumb brute,
Never seen the inside of a suit,
And the way she was dressed
Made him bold to suggest
“Do you fancy a ride in my ute?”
With a logic that’s hard to refute,
She said “Alright. Why not? What a hoot!”
They’d gone twice round the block
When he pulled out his cock
And said “So… are you up for a root?”
She was struck momentarily mute,
Being virgin, and not too astute,
But he had a hot car,
And she’d ventured this far,
She said “Yeah, just pull out when you shoot.”
Her confession at home caused dispute:
She seemed proud of her new ill repute.
“Have you no sense of shame?”
“What about your good name?”
She replied “What the fuck? It was beaut!”
Liquor is quicker
An uncaring seducer called Sandy
Plies women with whisky and brandy:
It’s very reliable,
Makes them more pliable:
Better than flowers and candy!
Though his motives were plainly inferior,
Slowly the poor girl grew wearier,
Feeling some friction,
Then, stranger than fiction,
She found he was in her interior!
The getting
Having chased her and finally got her,
He worked her up hotter and hotter:
He lifted her skirt,
Saying “Hush, this won’t hurt.”
He was right, but no less of a rotter!
Said a young man, intent upon lechery,
“Come up and look at my etchery.”
Not much impressed,
The young lady addressed
Said “Tomorrow perhaps, but not yet cheri!”
The lady at her toilet
With her long silky hair in loose coils,
She bathes nightly in Indian oils,
Anoints her vagina
With perfumes from China:
Oh, fortunate man she thus spoils!
He was crude, he blasphemed; she was shocked,
Yet, somehow, in a trice, was un-frocked,
And un-bra-ed and un-knickered,
Sweet-talked, and hard liquored,
Deflowered, and gone off half-cocked!
Getting to the point
Said my dad, “Lad, seduction’s an art:
There are three ways to win a girl’s heart.
You can say it with flowers,
Or verse, which takes hours,
Or just say “Lie down, legs apart!”