If he’d known that she loved him so madly,
It wouldn’t have turned out so sadly…
The rope, her distress…
When she would have said yes,
And have given herself to him gladly!
Tag: rape
The virgin’s prayer
It was sort of rape, not that she cares…
He just took her a bit unawares.
Though she struggled and screamed,
It was just as she’d dreamed,
Like the answer to all of her prayers!
It was certainly rather unkind
The poor girl being deaf, mute and blind,
To have fucked her like that!
I mean… what kind of rat… ?
Though she’d seemed not to very much mind.
Not as if it was of her own choosing…
Both thrilling and shameful! Confusing.
Of course, not much fun,
But no great harm was done…
Wounded pride, her torn panties, some bruising.
Worst fears
He leans closer and quite frankly leers…
No chance of escape, it appears!
He pours more champagne…
Well, it might dull the pain…
And she blushingly, weeping, says “Cheers!”
You bet!
If to fuck her was rape, she’d abetted;
Young passions, at long last, unfettered!
She’d sucked his damn prick,
And her young cunt was slick,
When she straddled him, eager, pre-wetted!
Life study
She posed modestly, shyly undraped…
His heart thumped in his chest, his mouth gaped…
Dripping brush in his hand…
Would the girl understand,
Were she, gently as possibly, raped?
Shit happens
She’d gone out dressed decidedly daringly…
“Why me?” she wonders despairingly.
Wrong time, wrong place…
Cum all over her face,
As he’s rooting her, roughly, uncaringly.
The spider’s lair
She’d gone into his lair all unwarily.
“Just passing by!” she’d said airily
What’s with this guy?
That strange look in his eye…
Yep. He’s acting a little bit scarily!
She’d been wondering which would be worse…
When he rooted her, boy, did she curse!
Being ravished by force,
Bad enough, quite, of course,
Not her pussy though… quite the reverse!