There’s a drug from the plant bougainvillea
Which alters your internal milieu;
Take it in tea
And you’ll publicly pee,
Take your clothes off, or something far sillier!
Tag: pee
Big Annie
If you give big, fat Annie a squeeze,
She’ll belch beer, and cackle and wheeze:
She might let loose a fart,
(She’s a slack-arsed old tart),
And she not too infrequently pees!
Yellow rain
Lady Edith, in kid gloves and tweed,
Felt an urgent indelicate need,
So she hitched up her skirt,
Lest it drag in the dirt,
Or get wet at the hem when she peed.
“Did you like,” she said, “watching me pee?
Wanna root? You can do me DP!
Come to mine. Bring a friend!”
And before she pressed SEND,
“Maybe anal too. RSVP”
Slit image
Billy whispered “You’ll never guess what!”
To his friend, Tom, “I saw this girl squat
In her garden, to pee…
And she knew I could see…
Her whole bum and her… thing…her… slit? Slot?
Pissed off
She at first tried to pay it no heed.
So… he wanted to watch when she peed?
A bit creepy, maybe…
Still, she thought, let him be…
But then, later… Shit! Where might it lead?
Dirty tricks
You can just see her naked, for free.
For a couple of bucks, watch her pee…
Any quirk, any vice,
It’s a matter of price…
There ain’t much she won’t do, for a fee.
Rara avis
He’s a very strange fellow indeed.
Said Miss Jones, and her sister agreed,
Never wanting to screw…
All he wanted to do
Was jerk off, while he watched, while they peed.
Ad urinam puellae bibere
In Krafft-Ebing, good Lord, one may read,
About perverts, with some silly need
To employ, or coerce
Girls…to fuck? No! Much worse!
To stand, wanking, and watch while they peed!