Waxing lyrical

A young woman these days can’t relax
Unless made-up and styled to the max,
And if by good luck
She hooks up for a fuck,
God forbid she’s forgotten to wax!

Girls wax not only legs, but their arms,
And bikini-lines, eyebrows and palms,
Anywhere, everywhere
That a hint of a hair
Might detract from their natural charms.

Perhaps hairless they feel more pure,
Not being a girl, Im not sure…
Or, smooth as a baby,
They might think that maybe
They somehow have greater allure.

Do they plan to go on till they’re grannies,
With waxing their nooks and their crannies?
Men don’t frown a bit,
When it comes down to it,
Upon girls with nice soft hairy fannies.


Said a spoilt young boy to his nanny,
“Pray tell me why girls have a fanny.”
His nanny, bemused,
Said “The Lord got confused:
Aren’t the ways of God simply uncanny!”

Erogenous zones

Once I had a wild lover called Joan,
Who knew every erogenous zone.
She would stimulate mine,
Which was perfectly fine,
Then we’d both get to work on her own.

It’s a fact ladies often bemoan,
That their needs remain mostly unknown,
Yet the man in the street
Can put women on heat
With a few clever tricks, when once shown.

Men and boys, thrill your girl to the bone!
Ladies, pair up, or practise alone!
Learn the places to touch,
And with what, and how much,
To elicit that orgasmic moan.