Her full breasts dangled over her girdle;
Her bra gone, her tights still to hurdle.
“Come on!” she cried, giggling,
Her big bosom jiggling,
“My milk is beginning to curdle!”
Tag: breasts
Positions vacant
She no longer played games with her dolls;
She now dreamed about more grown-up roles.
She had quite decent breasts,
Enjoyed flirting with guests,
And had all the appropriate holes!
Consider the lilies of the field
Her silk panties were rather too frilly,
Her peek-a-boo bra just looked silly;
With breasts such as those,
And a cunt like a rose,
Lingerie was just gilding the lily!
The secret
Her breasts hurt and continued to grow,
And her belly was starting to show.
If she wore baggy shirts,
And loose dresses and skirts,
Would her teacher or Mum or Dad know?
Light entertainment
He admired the way the light played
On her breasts and her hips as she swayed,
How the music enhanced
Her allure, as she danced,
Though he knew these were tricks of the trade.
The stars were romantic and twinkly;
His penis grew less and less wrinkly.
Her breasts hovered, white,
Like twin moons in the night,
And her labia winked at him pinkly.
He reached round and unfastened the clasp
Of her bra and she stifled a gasp.
Spilling out of their cups
Her breasts gambolled like pups
And presented themselves to his grasp
Her breasts fought like two cats in her sweater,
No brassiere, either, to fetter
His naked delight:
It was thin, it was tight,
God! If only her sweater were wetter!
Ground to a halt
Naked, sweating, they grapple and wrestle;
Loins grind like a mortar and pestle,
Hearts pound in their chests,
Hot sweat drips from her breasts,
Where, exhausted and spent, he’ll soon nestle.
Inner beauty
She’s broad-chested, strong-willed and strong-thighed,
Her bum’s big, true, that can’t be denied,
And her melon-like breasts
Are the subject of jests,
But there’s depth and great warmness, inside.