His best man’s pretty hot, thought the bride…
Should she fuck him? Quick, bloody decide!
Would tonight be too soon…
(It’s still pre-honeymoon…)
To be having a bit on the side?
Tag: a bit on the side
Welcome doormat
He went back to her, cheated and lied,
And was welcomed with legs open wide.
Just a slut, to be lenient,
Bloody convenient
Though, for a bit on the side!
Father knows best
“Well, my son, she’s a beautiful bride,”
Said his dad, “but still, cast your net wide.
She’s a good fuck, I know;
Keep your eyes open, though,
For the chance of a bit on the side!”
To err is human
Not exactly, of course, overjoyed,
But not heartbroken, more just annoyed.
He’s deceived her, he’s lied,
Had a bit on the side…
Something she herself tends to avoid.
Getting to know her
She’s a bit of a tease and a flirt;
When she fucks though, it’s always covert,
Or the neighbours would talk,
And their children would gawk,
But a bit on the side doesn’t hurt.