She’d say yes, but she couldn’t decide;
Were big thumbs a reliable guide?
Although handsome and tall,
Might his dick be too small?
He’d said not, but still, what if he’d lied?
Category: PG
Parental guidance recommended
“Do you fancy me prone or supine?”
He replied, “Either way would be fine.”
“Perhaps over that chair,
With my arse in the air?
I’m all yours, but the pleasure’s all mine!”
It's only money
To what depths will a woman descend,
And enjoy it, or if not, pretend?
Not from love, not from lust…
All too often it’s just
How much cash a man’s willing to spend.
While he peeked through the keyhole in awe,
She undressed. Then she opened the door!
As he knelt there, wide eyed,
She said “Come on inside,
And I’ll show you what that thing is for.”
Aussie men
Aussie men love to give their mates nicknames,
Some funny, some stupidly sick names;
It’s fun round the bar,
And some blokes go so far
As to also give each other’s dick names.
Sugar and spice
She dressed sexy, to tease and entice,
And wore perfume, for sugar and spice;
She’d go out and get plastered,
And some lucky bastard
Would fuck her, (or two, or the same fellow twice!)
Body language
They’d gone out after work for a drink;
Did she wink at him then, or just blink?
She’d unbuttoned her blouse…
Was it done to arouse?
Was she teasing? What must the guy think?
He’d selected a nice place to dine;
His first question was “Beer or wine?”
Then things went on okay,
So what else would he say,
But “A nightcap then? Your place or mine?”
Beer glasses
He was unwashed, unshaven and rough.
She was only a nice bit of fluff;
But a few glasses more,
And what each of them saw
Was beginning to look good enough!
Nobody's perfect
Every woman has certain small flaws,
Which a man, if he’s prudent, ignores.
She’s flat-chested? So what,
If she’s good in the cot?
And for God’s sake, avoid giving scores!