Was she frigid? Orgasm-impaired?
So her husband said, not that she cared!
She was curious, though;
Gave the neighbour a go.
Her spark flickered, ignited and flared!
Category: PG
Parental guidance recommended
The rank sweat of an enseamed bed
Making love in hot, damp Singapore,
Takes place late, after nine, not before;
A less sweaty affair
In the cooler night air,
With one’s wife or one’s mistress or whore.
No flies on her!
That attractive young spinster, Miss Carson
Had afternoon tea with the parson.
“Amusing,” she wrote
In her journal. (I quote):
“Aren’t men’s fly-buttons hard to unfasten?”
Nice tight dress, and low-cut; dressed to kill!
The snug fit caused her big breasts to spill.
The thigh-high centre slit
Straining, ready to split;
“If she bends down,” her boss guessed, “it will!”
The bridal waltz
Blushing, shy, as befitting a bride,
To her bridesmaid she whispers (aside),
“I’m surprised he can dance!
He’s fair bursting his pants!
God! Just wait till I get him astride!”
Paddling in the gene puddle
It began with a kiss and a cuddle.
Her feelings were all in a muddle;
The things that he said,
The wine gone to her head
Served her thoughts all the more to befuddle!
The best thing about having this hole in one,
Simply, is sex, on the whole, is fun!
Lovely to know
One’s golf partner or pro
Can with ease, after drinks, sink a hole-in-one!
Saying the right thing
Well, of course it felt strange; it would, clearly.
Still, it affected her queerly,
Up, deep inside.
“Yes, that’s lovely!” she lied,
Like a tummy upset, sort of, merely.
She told her so
Her mum shouted “Well, what did I tell you?
I said don’t take men at face value!
They promise the earth…
But there’s no virgin birth!
You deserve ev’rything that befell you!”
Blame it on the Spencer Davis Group
Her sex drive was just too strong to govern;
Her motto was “Gimme some lovin’!”
She thought she was cool,
But before she left school,
There she was, with a bun in the oven!