Mrs Jones said to Hilda, next door,
“Having sex is just one more dull chore!
Don’t you think that that’s so?”
And dull Hilda said “No,
Your man Jim makes me want more and more!”
Category: AO
Adults only
Floral tribute
My sweet mistress, the lovely Miss Millie,
Declared I was perfectly silly
To loosely refer
To what wasn’t, to her,
Even nice, as “her delicate lily”!
The scent of a woman
That most sensuous woman, Michelle,
Oozes sex: men fall under her spell!
Men have come in their pants
From one smouldering glance
And some others get off on her smell!
Loose knickers
If a woman whose knickers are loose
Has sufficient secretion of juice,
If a fellow is quick,
He can slip in his dick,
Where and when it will be of most use!
Loose woman
To describe a girl’s morals as loose
Is to say she’s not hard to seduce,
Which is not to say, though,
That she never says no,
But she’ll fuck at the slightest excuse!
John, Lee (hooker)
Actions louder than words
In the much more relaxed tropic latitudes,
People have sensible attitudes:
“How do you do,”
And then on with the screw,
And to hell with the small talk and platitudes!
Deathbed confession
Size queen
She was pretty, well-rounded and kissable.
Squeezing her tits was permissible…
Fucking was too…
Though it was also true,
Only pricks of great size were admissible.