Never one who would panic or fluster,
With all of the strength she could muster,
She soothingly spoke
To this bothersome bloke,
And then kicked him a beaut in the cluster!
Category: AO
Adults only
She came down in the last shower
She was caught in the rain with a fella,
Who offered to share his umbrella:
She thought “What’s to lose?”
It seemed rude to refuse.
She said “Thanks”, and was fucked in a cellar.
Dream cum true
It was just as the bride had been dreading,
All through the reception and wedding:
Her blood on the sheet
Of the honeymoon suite,
And his semen all over the bedding!
At a party a reckless girl drank,
Until what happened next was a blank:
From what later ensued,
She discerned she’d been screwed,
But could not recall whom she should thank!
The shotgun
Far be it from me to disparage
The fine institution of marriage,
But let it be said,
Many girls who are wed,
On the whole, would prefer a miscarriage!
Watercooler gossip
When Miss Martin leapt onto my desk,
And performed a risque arabesque,
In her knickers and stockings,
She thought she was shocking,
But I found it rather grotesque.
Down the rabbit hole
If one’s prone to nonsensical chatter,
One’s clothes strewn with edible matter;
If one goes about
With one’s genitals out,
One is probably mad as a hatter!
Go slow
At the act of love, be not too brisk,
It is fraught with lamentable risk.
Indiscriminate fucking,
With kicking and bucking,
Might cause one to rupture a disc.
B&S Ball
One late Saturday night, young Miss Brazier
Was made love to, outside, by a grazier.
He kept on his hat,
She’s quite certain of that,
But the rest is a great deal hazier!
On the patio
I don’t mind if a girl likes her booze:
She’s less likely, when asked, to refuse.
She might give you fellatio,
There, on the patio.
Nice. But watch out if she spews!