
Every time Howard’s sex-organ firms
He gets anxious, and fidgets and squirms:
He can’t contemplate sex,
So intense and complex
Is his deep morbid fear of germs!

Faint hope and chastity

The knight’s wife in her chastity belt,
In the church, where she piously knelt,
Where she’d gone to confess,
Cursed her God, nonetheless,
For the lot in this life she’d been dealt.

For the blacksmith such passion she felt,
When she saw him her poor heart would melt,
Pain she could not assuage,
With her cunt in a cage,
And what’s more, she was certain she smelt!

Days are lonely, knights are cold

Though Sir John was a chivalrous charmer,
His life, thought his wife, was all drama:
All banquets and battles,
And squeaking and rattles,
And clanking about in his armour.

Though he swore he’d let no villain harm her,
His wife, more prosaic and calmer,
Wished, just to herself,
She’d been left on the shelf,
Or gone off and just married a farmer.