Finders keepers

When he found her, he thought “Jeepers creepers!
Stark naked, passed out… finders keepers!
Astonishing luck!”
He partook of a fuck,
Thinking “Thanks God, for booze and sound sleepers!”

In retrospect

She’d enjoyed it, in fact, she conceded…
Her protests had gone all unheeded.
She’d thought, though, okay,
Let him have his damn way,
And get on with his fuck unimpeded.


Feisty girl… pretty, plenty of sauce.
And he wanted to fuck her, of course.
If she played hard to get,
As she might, well, no sweat…
He’d resort to a little brute force.


The guys called her a slut, although, mainly,
She just fucked her friends… but still, plainly,
She had quite a lot…
Some whose names she forgot,
Though she’d tried to keep track of them, vainly.

Bossy bitch

A great body… not young, but not old.
Through the smoke, from the couch where she lolled,
She said “Come over here.
Put down your damn beer,
And fuck me. Just do what you’re told!”