Maybelline lets the boys have a poke,
For a six pack of beer, a toke,
Or a ride in their truck …
Hell, she’ll give ’em a fuck
For a burger maybe and a coke!
Month: March 2016
Speaking with tongues
“Cunnilingus,” she thought, as she knelt.
Sister Mary knew how it was spelt,
Even how it was done.
Not too bad, for a nun.
She just wished that she knew how it felt!
She tried hard, underneath and on top,
But the fuck was a bit of a flop;
His damn cock was so soft,
If she laughed or she coughed,
It fell out of her cunt with a plop!
Imperfect memory
To the best of her vague recollection,
He had a strange, crooked erection;
A curious bend
And a big bulbous end,
Which had tasted odd, too, on reflection.
The company she keeps
Though perhaps a bit strong to assert
That the woman’s a slut, or a flirt,
Still, she’s someone with whom,
If alone in a room,
A quick fuck would be hard to avert.
Putting it briefly
Her seducer, the cause of her grief,
Came and went in the night like a thief…
Bloody lecherous beast!
Still, the fuck was, at least,
Fairly painless and blessedly brief.
Social inadequacy
The poor tearful girl said “Oh crumbs!
Giving hand jobs I’m simply all thumbs!
I don’t mind giving head,
But I do have this dread,
I might vomit, perhaps, when he comes!”
Double trouble
The poor girl had been terribly wronged;
She’d said put it back where it belonged,
And then in walked his twin,
With a lecherous grin;
The attack, when it came, was two-pronged!