Seed saving

As he thrust himself in, to the hilt,
She exclaimed, “Are you scared it might wilt?”
He said “Pardon my haste,
But I do deplore waste,
And I’d hate to see good semen  spilt.


Said a bloke to a girl in Cloncurry,
“My dear, there’s no need to worry:
Your mum’s in the yard,
And your sister’s on guard,
We’re quite safe, but we do need to hurry!”

Go slow

At the act of love, be not too brisk,
It is fraught with lamentable risk.
Indiscriminate fucking,
With kicking and bucking,
Might cause one to rupture a disc.


In the night, or at least after dusk,
On his mattress of coconut husk,
Lest he lose his aplomb
The expatriate Pom
Fucks his wife in a manner most brusque.