A young girl , playing cards with the guys,
Pulled her panties down over her thighs;
She had lost her last bet
And, already in debt,
Upped the stakes, with herself as the prize!
Tag: panties
Though I’m not one for thrusting my paws
Into innocent young ladies’ drawers,
Still, I’m forced to admit
That I fancy a bit,
And I would like to get into yours!
In her sequined diaphanous gown,
Lady Pugh was the toast of the town,
But the butt of the jokes
Of those same fickle folks,
When she sneezed, and her panties fell down!
A young fellow who does what he pleases
Treats lightly the social diseases:
He doesn’t mind much
About physical touch
But he handles girls’ panties with tweezers.
Teacher’s pet
In class, daydreaming, lace panties wet,
Blonde and pretty, a tease, teachers pet,
And his furtive, hot glance,
And the bulge in his pants…
Both intent on one thing…not quite yet.
He said “Darling, I need to ‘fess up…
So you know… so I can’t, like, mess up…
Since we’re married now, so…
Well.. I think you should know…
I like panties and bras… and dress up!”
First date
Push-up bra, panties scraps of white lace,
She’ll at least let him get to first base,
Maybe feel her tits…
Pussy damp, where she sits,
She thinks “Yeah, fuck me too… watch this space!”
All this sniffling and snuffling and bawling.
The damn woman’s missed her damn calling!
She should be on stage!
At least act her damn age,
Get her panties off, quit the damn stalling!
Gone astray
In her little chemise, of white cotton,
Her mother’s advice quite forgotten,
Her panties gone south,
And his cock in her mouth…
What a scoundrel! How perfectly rotten!
Come again?
Socks and jocks, panties, all in a jumble,
They progressed from fumble to tumble.
She came loud and long…
Then passed out! What was wrong?
“Fucking awesome!” was all she could mumble.