A disgusting young fellow from Tully
Made love to a girl in a gully:
Though damn poor excuse,
She was known to be loose,
And had no reputation to sully!
Tag: loose woman
Loose knickers
If a woman whose knickers are loose
Has sufficient secretion of juice,
If a fellow is quick,
He can slip in his dick,
Where and when it will be of most use!
Loose woman
To describe a girl’s morals as loose
Is to say she’s not hard to seduce,
Which is not to say, though,
That she never says no,
But she’ll fuck at the slightest excuse!
If you’re stuck in the rain in Rangoon,
A loose woman’s a fabulous boon:
You can endlessly screw her,
Do other things to her,
And never go out until June!
A loose woman, a trollop, a slattern!
These things, though, do follow a pattern;
Though prudes crossed the street,
She had plenty to eat,
Silken undies and dresses of satin.