In her pussy (most times), or her bum,
Or her mouth, pretty often. (Well, yum!)
Am I just, she thought, sceptical,
Some damn receptacle,
Some place to empty his cum?
Tag: cum
Changing horses midstream
The two sisters liked fucking on top.
Pretty soon, one said “Y’all wanna swap?
He ain’t cum in me yet,
But he might soon, I bet,
So let’s switch, while there ain’t too much slop!”
Liquid sequins
A third cousin, or somehow related,
She’d got drunk one night and fellated,
Had come on her dress,
(What an ungodly mess!)
His apology gruff and belated.
There she knelt, naked, tits and face splattered
With cum, make-up streaked, her hair matted!
Though who could she tell…
All those men! She felt, well,
Sort of special, and sexy, and flattered!
She went home, her new dress stained and tattered,
No panties, cum-covered, bespattered!
She could have said no,
In fact may have done, though,
Not, of course, that it fucking well mattered!
The truth about Helen of Troy
“Oh my God, Paris darling!” sighed Helen.
“Your cock! You must cum by the gallon!
I want it, of course!
My own big Trojan horse!
I don’t care if I split like a melon!”
Rubbing her the wrong way
Back at school, girls gave other girls flowers,
And sometimes, at night, in the showers,
Rubbed each other’s cunts,
Tried to cum both at once
While we other girls watched and rubbed ours.
Mother-daughter talk
She’d developed a lovely blonde thatch,
And nice cupcake-sized titties to match;
Then one day she said “Mummy,
I think cum’s quite yummy,
And fucking’s the best! What’s the catch?”
Her maiden name
Dress and underwear tangled and tattered,
Her good name besmirched, cum-bespattered,
She had a good cry…
One quite understood why…
Not, of course, that he cared, or it mattered.
Spilt milk
The damn girl had come over all tearful.
Right from the start she’d seemed fearful.
“Lord! What a mess!
Cum all over me dress!”
She cried. “Ma won’t half give me an earful!”