Just an idler, a sponger, a layabout,
Someone with whom, though, to play about,
Do anything,
Just a holiday fling,
To have something to go home and pray about!
Tag: Christianity
Original sin
The young lady said “Pardon me, Rector…”
He glared at the fair interjector.
“The forbidden fruit;
Does that mean… did they root?
Was it maybe a peach, with sweet nectar?”
The loophole
Christian women, God’s virgins, rejoice!
For small blessings, give thanks, raise your voice!
No, of course you can’t screw
As unsaved women do…
There’s still buggery though… It’s your choice!
All sinners great and small
In her innocence, Mary, God bless her,
One Friday night asked her confessor,
“If fucking’s a sin…
To not put it all in…
Or to suck it… which sin is the lesser?”