The poor innocent girl had no inkling
The thing in her hand, fast unwrinkling,
Would start, soon enough,
To spurt out the white stuff,
On her face and her bosom now sprinkling!
Tag: bosom
Dream on!
As she lathered her bosom with soap, her
Next-door neighbour peeked, in the hope her
Daydreams were of him,
Though the odds did seem slim
That he’d ever be able to grope her.
Her full breasts dangled over her girdle;
Her bra gone, her tights still to hurdle.
“Come on!” she cried, giggling,
Her big bosom jiggling,
“My milk is beginning to curdle!”
Fashion flair
Her short skirt and her neckline were daring:
Men stared at the flesh she was baring.
Her big bosom jiggled,
Her bum swayed and wiggled,
The watching men’s nostrils were flaring.
She flounced
As he watched her get angry and flounce,
And her big bosom jiggle and bounce,
Flushed and howling with rage.
Like a bear in a cage,
He got hard and got ready to pounce!
Her bosom
Her soft bosom was warm and commodious,
Farts even sweet and melodious:
Lie in her arms
And all other girls’ charms
Became dull… but comparison’s odious.