Anthropologists often describe
Potent liquors young women imbibe,
Then go into a frenzy,
[Op. cit. F.McKenzie],
“An fuckim all man bilong tribe.”
Tag: anthropology
Anthropology for beginners
Anthropologists all are agreed,
Man made cider and ale and mead
To get girls in the mood
To be taken and screwed,
Be laid claim to, to root more and breed.
Anthropology 102
Sex is simply arranged by the Maoris,
All done by the payment of dowries;
A fellow might pay
For a virgin, let’s say,
A few pigs and a basket of cowries.
Anthropology 101
They’re a native folk, all superstitious,
Their warriors brutal and vicious,
Remarkably hung.
Though the girls marry young,
If you get to them first they’re delicious!