An erotic aesthete, scholar, purist?
Or sleazy, sick, sexual tourist?
Pornography? Art?
Was he even that smart?
Questions best left to mull by the jurist.
Category: PG
Parental guidance recommended
Fundamentally speaking
In America, gals have an ass,
A term vulgar demeaning and crass;
English girls have an arse,
Which, of course, has more class,
As befitting a more refined lass.
Amour of Venice
Big, black, powerful, jealous Othello,
Deceived by Iago… vile fellow!
Though poor Desdemona
Still gave him a boner…
He killed her! My God, man! Just mellow!
The existentiality of intercourse
She thought sex, just like food, quite essential.
Her lovers were mostly sequential…
Though some were extraneous…
(All of this quite confidential.)
A warm day in a punt
Though her parents were watchful and doting,
One Sunday, at Oxford, out boating,
A fellow called Howard, her
Cousin, deflowered her,
Both, of course, secretly gloating!
Winner take all
Southern belle, Mississipppi’s fair jewel,
But cold-hearted, wicked and cruel,
On many a morning
She stood watching, yawning,
Two lovers engaged in a duel!
The glass ceiling
To get on, she’d dress sexy and flirt,
For a laugh, cautious, always alert.
She just had a strong feeling,
Once through the glass ceiling,
The bastards would look up her skirt!
Fickle fortune
She was strait-laced, a prude and a stickler…
Her husband could not have been fickler…
One night, just for fun,
He quite brought her undone,
With champagne and a rubber French tickler/
God’s omniscience
She’s a dancer, she tells him, off-Broadway.
A stripper. Who cares? (The good Lord may…)
Does God really care
If crude drunken men stare,
While she takes off her clothes in a bored way?
The eye of the needle
Where a girl’s bum and inner thighs meet,
The vagina sits, snug and discreet,
Tucked up, out of the way,
Like a smocked ruffle, say,
Or a nice, neat, inverted box pleat.