Cried the maiden, “My lord, you’ve betrayed me!
A dishonest woman you’ve made me,
And worse still, the shame,
That a woman’s good name
Should be worth that poor pittance you’ve paid me!”
Category: AO
Adults only
Mission accomplished
“It’s just more than I think I can bear!”
Cried Miss Argyle, “My fanny will tear!”
But so great was his ardour,
He only pressed harder,
And made it with inches to spare!
She was neither too old, nor too young.
She had breasts long and firm and low-slung,
A great arse, not too big,
A cunt like a sliced fig,
Silky fingers and talented tongue!
Kitchen concupiscence
While the children played out in the yard,
She compliant, he randy and hard,
Their polite dads and mums
Sipped their tea and dropped crumbs,
As he eased his way in with some lard.
A keeper
At the bar, I met someone called Vicki,
I thought would be good for a quickie.
She screwed me all night,
She was horny and tight,
And next morning suggested a sickie.
Un petit peu
While Alberto, the cook, was unzipping,
The maid greased her fanny with dripping:
She said “Just a bit,
To assist with the fit,
Not so much that it stops me from gripping!”
Red light district
In the back of a car , caught in traffic,
Two girls were engaged in games sapphic,
One blonde and one not,
(By the hair on her twat):
To say more would be plain pornographic!
Lost in space
Having forced her, at last to surrender,
And prodded about at her gender,
The rapist said ma’am,
Could you say where I am?
I’m afraid I’m a first-time offender!”
The age-old question
“May I make, love, a risque suggestion?
Would fucking be out of the question?
God knows it’s not much,
But it’s years since I’d such
A remarkable state of congestion!”
There was a young lady called Sue,
Who was had by a man at the zoo,
Though of course quite outrageous,
She thought him courageous,
To do it it right there, in plain view!