With a twist

Of old girlfriends, the top of my list
Is the one who liked sex with a twist.
She’d give most things a go,
(In fact, never said no),
All the more so, if just a bit pissed.

Fore and aft

She agreed he’d be aft, I’d be fore:
It was something she’d not tried before,
But along came two more,
And she said “I’ll be sore,
But I’m game, if you want to be four!”

Drunk and Disorderly

She was drunk and her clothes were disordered.
The boys liked the view this afforded.
She did a lap dance
Till one came in his pants,
Then she stripped while the others applauded.

She did things they thought only a whore did:
One fucked her, then several more did,
Then more that they rang:
It became a gang-bang,
But to say more would only be sordid.