I find ladies a joy to explore:
They have bosoms and nipples and more!
There are delicate things
Like pink shell-fish with wings,
And I can’t even say what they’re for!
Month: December 2024
The cost of doing business
Said a worn-out old hooker, dismayed
“I’ve been too many years in the trade:
I’m decidedly jaded,
My beauty has faded,
The lips of my fanny are frayed!
Between their thighs, women are creased,
And delightfully springily fleeced.
They have lips long and pink
Which when kissed, make you think
Of a mixture of honey and yeast.
From the moment the foreplay commences
The cunt of a woman dispenses
An odour of musk,
Which hangs thick in the dusk,
Tantalising the mind and the senses.
Love muscle
Lucky they who fall into the clutches
Of ladies with muscular crutches,
Oh rapturous doom
Plunging into a womb
Which embraces, not merely touches!
Crumpet trumpet
An accomplished young lady from China
Possessed a prehensile vagina.
Her talented crumpet
Could play on the trumpet
Vivaldi’s “Fanfare in F minor.”
The praties
Irish lassies have wonderful chests:
They have nice mashed-potato-soft breasts,
And a young Irish lad
Can be driven quite mad
By their jiggling under their vests!
Original sins
There’s a fortunate fellow called Binns,
Who made love to identical twins,
So alike to each other
That even their mother
Just scratches her head, shrugs and grins.
It began, as it often begins,
With champagne and a couple of gins:
Inhibitions were shed,
And they jumped into bed,
In a tangle of tits, teeth and shins.
They exhibited bumps, grinds and spins.
They had semen from fannies to chins!
It was jolly confusing,
But later amusing,
Confessing at church to such sins!
Big Ben
You will no doubt have heard of Big Ben.
Almost everyone has now and then:
He’s renowned for his dong,
Which is three times as long
As his ding, which is eighteen feet ten!
Juicy fruits
A young lady I’ve seen at the beach
Has a bum like a succulent peach.
She has melon-like tits,
And there perkily sits
A plump cherry-ripe nipple on each!